Internet Goes Crazy over Miracle Birth of Eight-Legged 'Octogoat' on Croatian Farm - Sporting ABC

Internet Goes Crazy over Miracle Birth of Eight-Legged ‘Octogoat’ on Croatian Farm

On a farm in northeast Croatia, a goat with eight legs was born.

Zoran Paparic’s goat Sarka gave birth to the kid which also has both male and female reproductive organs at his farm in Kutjevo.

Local veterinarians told Mr Paparic that the young goat’s additional legs were caused by an undeveloped twin sibling.

Octogoat: Proud farmer Zoran Paparic from Kutjevo, Croatia holds up the miracle goat with eight legs

Mr Paparic claims he thought he was seeing things when he realized Sarka had given birth to the disfigured child among two healthy newborn goats.

‘I counted his legs and I thought I was seeing things. Then I called my neighbour to make sure that I am not crazy.’

Mr Paparic describes the yet-to-be-named ‘octogoat’ as a ‘miracle of nature’, and says he would like to retain the child if it survives.

Double trouble: Mr Paparic calls the unnamed baby goat a ‘miracle of nature’ but he says that veterinarians do not believe it will survive

Hello world: The baby goat also has both male and female reproductive organs according to the farmer

‘Miracle’: The baby goat’s extra legs is the result of an underdeveloped twin 

Veterinarians say the goat is unlikely to survive, but if it survives the first week, it could live for two to three years, Mr Paparic told InSerbia.

‘Everything is double with him. Sarka, which I have had for three years, gave birth to a miracle of nature. This is her fourth time and she always has triplets.’

‘He is trying to stand on his feet, but lacks strength.’

Prized possession: Zoran Paparic says that he hopes the kid survives so he can keep his new exotic pet

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